Friday, January 10, 2014

Moose Video

The highlight of today's skijoring outing - encountering 3 moose off the trail and watching them move through the snow and into the forest!
Max & Zorro on the side of the trail watching the papa & mama moose on the other side
of French Creek from us. This photo is "to scale" with the mid section cropped out to get
both the Siberians and moose in view!

The cool video of us watching the moose moving through the snow and away from us
into the forest.
Watch the "dead center" of the video at the start to see the bull moose moving through
the trees. He is then joined by mama moose in front of him and then the kid moose
comes in from the right to join the family. So cool (watch the video enlarged or
full screen to really appreciate the moose)!
[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Zoomed in on papa & mama from the first photo. The baskets atop a male moose's
head are so cool!

After getting everyone under control from the "moose viewing", we continued further out the French Gulch trail. Unfortunately (for me, fortunately for Max & Zorro), the only way back is the same trail we took out; so everyone was on high alert for the 3 moose as we re-approached the viewing area about 20 minutes later.

And there is the kid moose, back in view about 50 yards from the original moose viewing spot.
I really did not want to see any of them back & closer to the trail on our return. I quickly
collected Max & Zorro and hurried down the trail before we discovered if mama or papa
was close to the trail too!

Oh yeah, and we went skijoring today too :-)  7.6 miles with 1150 feet of elevation climbed, a top speed of 18 MPH, and laying fresh tracks in 2-5 inches of fresh powder all day.

Normally a day of laying fresh tracks the entire length of the French Gulch trail would
be the highlight of the day. Normally....

2013/2014 Season to Date: 64 days on the trails covering 549.2 miles with 64,650 feet of elevation climbed.

Back at the French Gulch trailhead getting our "end of run" hotdog
treats. "We'll take the hotdogs, but we'd rather have moose meat!"
say my moose seeking pair.

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