Sunday, February 16, 2025


We found over 2 feet of fresh, untouched snow on this morning's skijor outing!

Jack & Rudy powering through 2 feet of powder. Impressive.

My original plan for the day was to do a one way skijor, starting from one trailhead and finishing at another. We had new snow overnight, so I was expecting to be laying fresh tracks with Jack & Rudy on my one way plan. Well, as you see above (and below), the new snow was WAY deeper than I expected. As the snow got deeper, it was clear that my one way planned route was not a good idea today:

Stalled for a moment in a ton of deep snow.

While Jack & Rudy have no problem breaking trail, I like to reward them on deep snow outings with "out & back" routes. That means they get to break trail in one direction and then reuse the track we set on the way out on the way back. It's nice to give them that reward for hard trail breaking work on the way out. So, I rerouted us a different direction to a trail that Jack & Rudy know is an "out & back" as that is the only option on this particular trail (unless you want to skijor 20+ miles one way to the next trailhead :) So, cruising we went until I announced it was time to turnaround and head back. Everybody ready?

"Not yet, need to stop, drop and ROLL an intense snow angel first!" goes silly Jack.
"Woo, you bet! Let's floor it back!" adds Rudy singing in approval.

So, then it was time to reuse the track we worked to hard to set on the way out. Whee!

Enjoying our "out track" on the return.

But, while running back in your "out track" in 1-2 feet of snow is easier (than the way out), it is by no means EASY! Come along for today's video fun to see what I mean. Watch as Jack, Rudy and I are having fun bouncing up, down, back & forth in today's ton of fresh snow. Wheeee! 

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Back to the trailhead and my pals are very willing to accept 'end of run' treats after a deep powder workout this morning:

"Ready! You have our FULL attention!" says the focused pair.

It's always fun when you get to announced "today's skijor was slowed by 1-2 feet of powder!" - 6.4 miles traveled with 700 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 17 MPH.

2024/2025 Season to Date: 56 days on the trails covering 422.2 miles with 40,300 feet of elevation climbed.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Backcountry Powder Day

Laying fresh tracks in about 2-3 inches of new snow to start today's skijor outing:

Zipping along, laying fresh tracks!

Breckenridge Ski Resort reported 8 inches of fresh snow this morning. But, we only had about 2-3 inches at our house; so I was skeptical about that report. As you see in the prior photo, we found only about 2-3 inches of new snow at the start of our outing. So, my skepticism was seeming like reality as we started the day.

But, then, the magic happened. The higher (in elevation) we went, the deeper the snow got. I found myself changing from skeptical to wondering just how much new snow we'd encounter!

Trotting by an old, abandoned mining cabin in about 5-6 inches of fresh snow
at this point.

The further we went, the deeper it got...

Busting through at least 8, maybe 10, inches of fresh snow at this point!
For the curious, those are fox or coyote tracks going down the trail in
front of Jack (most likely fox, but could be coyote).

Did I say, "The further we went, the deeper it got?"

Snorkeling through 10-12 inches of fresh powder at this point! Wow!

How about some powder blasting video fun to go along with the deep snow we found? I love doing powder clips in slow motion as is it so cool to watch the powerful sled dogs blasting through powder as they tow me along. Wheeee!

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Of course, breaking trail through deep snow is a real workout. That means you MUST stop, drop and roll snow angels to cool your jets at any pause along the way :)

Stop, drop and ROLL!!!

A great day enjoying backcountry fresh powder all to ourselves, right guys?

"Oh yes, that was a FUN workout!" says the happy & focused kids.

Today's fresh tracks to trail breaking tally: 8.1 miles traveled with 900 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 20 MPH.

2024/2025 Season to Date: 55 days on the trails covering 415.8 miles with 39,600 feet of elevation climbed.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Fresh Tracks Fun

Laying fresh tracks in 1-2 inches of new snow in the backcountry - wheeee!

Zipping along, catching air and fun fresh snow poofs under Jack & Rudy's feet!

Trail condition wise, it was a PERFECT day. Just enough new snow for me to safely uncork the Jack & Rudy skijor engine in the backcountry. Come along and watch the fun - what wonderful conditions this morning!

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

After a fun fresh tracks romp in the backcountry, we dropped onto the wide trails at Gold Run Nordic Center. Much to our surprise and joy - NOBODY had been out on the upper nordic loop yet today. This meant we got to continue laying fresh tracks for miles & miles. There is nothing quite as special as 2 inches of fresh snow over a groomed nordic trail. Time to really open up the throttle!

"We believe we can fly!" demonstrates fully airborne Jack & Rudy.
What a great action shot!

Temperature wise, though, well - brrrrrr! It was below zero (F) all outing long. What do you think this meant to Jack & Rudy? Well, it was so HOT they had to roll snow angels to cool off :) In fact, below zero was so hot to Jack that he had to throw himself off trail into deeper snow to roll in and cool off - haha, silly Jack.

"Cowabunga - throwing myself into deeper snow to cool off!" goes comical Jack.
"Ah, rub a dub dub right here is fine for me!" adds upside down Rudy.

The frigid temperatures probably explains why we were first out on the morning's new snow. Who else but Jack & Rudy would relish subzero temperatures? Then, as we were completing the day's outing, we finally encountered one other set of ski tracks in the new snow. But, one set of ski tracks is easy to avoid and continue laying fresh tracks in the remaining snow on the wide trail:

"Whee - we'll ignore that ski track to our left and keep laying
fresh tracks over here!
" demonstrates fun Jack & Rudy.

Finally, back to the trailhead and who is ready for end of run treats?

"I am SO ready!" says Jack.
"Me too, me too!" adds mellow (haha) Rudy.

A lot of fresh tracks fun this morning but a bit on the cold side for me (only me :) - 7.3 miles traveled with 700 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 22 MPH.

2024/2025 Season to Date: 53 days on the trails covering 398.7 miles with 37,900 feet of elevation climbed.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Riding behind the Siberian Bullet Train this morning on the trails :)

The out stretched speed demons launching me along a fast & wide
nordic trail. Wheeee!

Today's outing had us skijoring upper elevation trails at Breckenridge Nordic Center. While the trails were last groomed yesterday morning, there is still plenty of groom to use once you get far away from the trailhead. Few mere mortals make the full upper elevation loop. So, as you can see in the photo above, the trail (far away from the trailhead) was still near perfect with only a few ski tracks from yesterday. It is so nice to have Jack & Rudy to propel me out to this terrain!

Along the way, we drifted off trail for a quick break before starting a very steep climb. We all know what Jack & Rudy do with breaks:

"Stop, drop & ROLL!" goes snow rolling Jack in the nice soft snow off trail.
Happy Rudy had just finished rolling an angel too (you can see the indentation
in the snow under him). I show this photo, because I saw it coming in his
facial expression...

Wait for it.... Wait for it... WOOOOOOOO :)

Yes, talented Rudy went from rolling a snow angel to flashing me a "you
know what's coming next!" smile into a song of woos - all in a matter
of seconds! Sometimes you have to roll AND woo, just ask Rudy :)

Next we did the steep climb to the highest point at the nordic center. The reward for the climb is being able to FLY down the other side. Jack & Rudy know how to reward themselves for a steep climb:

Catching air near 12,000 feet in elevation at Breckenridge Nordic Center.

Now come along for the video counterpart to the prior photo. Watch as Jack & Rudy are in a real speed groove, flying along the wonderful, high elevation groomie zoomie. Wheeee!

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Now go back the video again and pay close attention at about 15 seconds into the clip and you'll see something has caught Rudy's attention to our left. What was it? I have no idea. I glanced left, but at the speed we were going only a moose would have been visible anyway :)

Was I worried about Rudy's glance left? No! Why? Well, watch the video again and notice Jack is not distracted at all. Jack is the level headed, reliable leader of our team. He only gets distracted by large wildlife. Since Jack had no reaction when Rudy glanced left, I knew it was just distractible Rudy being himself. I often joke that Rudy gets distracted by leaves to moose and everything in between! Want some proof of that statement. Well here you go :)

Silly Rudy getting distracted by a TWIG in the trail! Sure, he doesn't
even break stride; but who gets distracted by a twig? Silly Rudy.
Oh, and there is level headed Jack showing that a twig is nothing to
get distracted about.

From distractible, nosy Rudy to level headed, mellow Jack - the personality range of our fun team could not be wider. But, we do have one thing in common (besides the love to run):

"We both know how to give our full attention for end of run treats!" says the
happy, focused kids atop a snow wall awaiting treats. Clearly Rudy
won "king of the mountain" today getting quite a bit higher than Jack :)

What a fun & energetic morning: 9.4 miles traveled with 1400 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 23 MPH.

2024/2025 Season to Date: 52 days on the trails covering 391.4 miles with 37,200 feet of elevation climbed.


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Wind Blown

Laying fresh tracks in upwards of 4 inches of new snow this morning!

Wonderful shot of Jack & Rudy laying fresh tracks as I glide along behind
in a nice layer of new snow! Wheeee!

Today's outing found us on Prospect Hill - an unmaintained area open to both snowmobiles and skiers. With the morning's new snow, we were able to gallop along laying fresh tracks in pre-existing snowmobile tracks most of the outing. There's nothing as nice as 3-4 inches of fresh snow over a packed track - just see for yourself:

Jack & Rudy having a blast running in fresh snow over packed snowmobile tracks!

As we neared the midpoint of the outing, I called out for everyone to "Wait," which everyone did as asked and then glanced back at me for further instruction:

"Waiting - now what?" asks the happy & obedient kids.

To their glances, I replied, "Time to turnaround." Then it was, "Oh, turnaround! Why didn't you say so, we've got things to do first!!!"

Yep - turnaround, roll around from Jack
and turnaround, woos abound from Rudy.
Had I said "Wait, time to turnaround" together, I never would have got the
happy glances first and only the snow angels & woos :)

On the way back, we get some nice views of the ski runs of Breckenridge Ski Resort across the valley from us:

Skijor with a view - wheeee!

Now on to the video counterpart to the prior photo. Come along for a fun skijor in the backcountry this morning with a nice view of the ski runs at Breckenridge Ski Resort across the valley from us. If your volume is on, you'll hear the constant & gusting wind blowing. We had come up this trail about 10-15 minutes earlier and by the time we returned it was almost completely recovered with wind blown snow! Not a problem, just a little extra effort required by Jack, Rudy and myself :)

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

The wind caused me to cut the outing a little shorter than usual. But, any skijor is better than no skijor, right guys?

"Oh yes and I see that bag of treats in your hands!" says Jack.
"I live for snow and woos!" adds funny Rudy.

A quick but very entertaining day laying fresh tracks: 6.4 miles traveled with 800 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 19 MPH.

2024/2025 Season to Date: 51 days on the trails covering 382.0 miles with 35,800 feet of elevation climbed.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Single Track

Jack & Rudy tucked tightly together to fit in a single track in the backcountry amidst upwards of 8 inches of new, fresh snow!

Whee - we can squeeze together when we need to!!!

Come along for today's skijor video highlight as we are tucked tight together to fit in a narrow single track in the backcountry. With 6-8 inches of new snow, Jack & Rudy had to tuck together to fit in the single track we found to follow. If either drifted out of the single track, then the snow was too deep to keep pace with the other guy in track. So, the smart kids just tucked themselves together tightly. Oh yeah, you'll also notice Jack & Rudy going somewhat "out of view" on the camera during this clip. Well, that is me fitting myself into a serious ski tuck to keep upright and on pace with the fun kids. See, I really do have to have skiing skills sometimes! :)

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Today's outing took us to the historic Sallie Barber Mine. As is usual with the comedians, they pause to roll snow angels after the initial climb to the mine:

"Rub a dub dub!" goes the snow rolling sillies.

As is also usual with the kids, all ensuing passes by the mine are done with gusto!

"Already stopped, dropped & rolled on the first pass, so let's fly on
by this time!
" says the fun kids propelling me by the mine on our second pass.

The first photo and video clip were on the less popular back side of Sallie Barber. The front side is very popular with both locals and tourists. So, we did not have to pack ourselves into a narrow single track on the front side; but we did have to entertain all people we encountered along the way :)

"Coming through - made you smile!" says entertaining Jack & Rudy giving
the onlooker something to watch and smile about!

I mentioned the other day that Rudy had been out of "rodent dive form" recently. Well, he has fixed that glitch with two beautiful rodent dives during the last two outings. Phew, I was starting to think Rudy matured or something - haha :)

"Rodents under the snow off trail! Incoming!" declares diving Rudy.
"Really, how did I miss that?" asks Jack who was still trotting along
until he noticed Rudy out of his periphery.

Finally, back to the trailhead for our usual 'end of run treats' ritual. 

"You have my FULL attention!" says focused Jack.
"Hi Mom! We had so much fun today!" adds Rudy to Nancy (with the camera).
Sometimes Rudy is more interested in flirting than focusing!

A fun day with lots of fresh snow and some highly technical single track skijoring along the way: 7.2 miles traveled with 600 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 20 MPH.

2024/2025 Season to Date: 50 days on the trails covering 375.6 miles with 35,000 feet of elevation climbed.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Trail Hazard

Our first skijor on the Gluteus Maximus Trail at Breckenridge Nordic Center this season:

The fun & fast kids tucked into a tight right on a steep section of trail.
The clumsy human, though, has to swing far out to the left to be able
to maneuver such a tight swing in the trail!

While we have skijored Breckenridge Nordic Center plenty of times this season already, today was our first time on the Gluteus Maximus Trail which intersects with the rest of the nordic center trails. This particular trail is know for steep inclines, steep declines and wicked tight curves along the way. I am often amazed I come out the other end upright, haha!!!

Anyway, after zipping along Gluteus Maximus, we transitioned onto the main upper loop at the nordic center. This started with a long climb to the top of the loop. We always pause after the climb so I can catch my breath before getting behind the speed demons on the way down. Well, a pause...

"Stop, drop & roll!" go the snow rolling goofs cooling their jets after
the big climb while I catch my breath.

Ok, human has his breath, kids have rolled to cool their jets, so off we goooooo!

Zoom behind cannonball Jack and missile Rudy!

Notice anything special about the prior photo? Well, we are first tracks on a freshly groomed nordic trail! It turns out we were the first on the upper loop at the nordic center and, thus, were first tracks on the fresh groom this entire duration of the outing. Jack & Rudy know what to do with a fresh groom:

Catching air on the groomie zoomie!

I was thinking (to myself) yesterday that we haven't had one of Rudy's patented rodent dives in a while. Well, among his many other talents, apparently Rudy is a mind reader too. So, here we go from the entertaining redhead:

"Rodents under the snow!" declares Jack lunging off trail to dig for prey.
"Oh boy - just what dad was thinking about yesterday. Incoming!" adds 
beautiful rodent diving Rudy.

Today's video highlight features one of the trail hazards we encounter on our outings. What hazard? Well, an ill-mannered loose dog who jumps into the middle of our team. Jack & Rudy prefer to run on by any dogs we encounter (loose or not). But, if the dog comes into the middle of the trail (and, thus, our team), we have to stop for everyone's safety. Watch as we tolerate the annoyance until we can finally get on by. Once on by, it is flooring it again. Jack & Rudy would MUCH rather run than meet some random dog - it's a sled dog thing, you know :)

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Some additional comments on that video clip. First, Jack & Rudy do enjoy other dogs, they have fun meeting them on walks or in parks; but they would rather run than stop for boring fluffy on skijor outings! Second, the rules at Breckenridge Nordic Center are dogs must be under "voice & sight" control. Haha, if your volume is up, you can hear the lady calling the dog's name and yelling "treats" to no avail. It takes me to guide the dog towards the owner so we can finally get on by. Oh well, Jack, Rudy & I expect this to happen. We don't mind except we all HATE stopping when we were going so fast :)

Finally, back to the trailhead and time for some well-earned end of run treats for my perfect pals:

"Groomie zoomie - we had so much fun today!" says the happy kids.

What a beautiful day for a super fun skijor: 9.5 miles traveled with 1300 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 23 MPH.

2024/2025 Season to Date: 49 days on the trails covering 368.4 miles with 34,400 feet of elevation climbed.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Nice shot of Breckenridge Ski Resort in the morning sun across the valley from us!

Pretty view of the sun covered ski runs at the ski resort as we round
a corner in the morning shade of the mountain we are on.

Today's outing came with a big foreshadow from Jack & Rudy. We were gliding along a nice nordic trail when the kids came to a stop and took their attention off trail. I know from their body language (and seeing their noses twitch) that they caught the scent of moose. But, there was a constant breeze this morning, so the moose could be pretty far away and still have its scent flowing to Jack & Rudy.

"Sniff, sniff - we smell moose in the area!" says the professional moose

It so happens, if you follow Jack & Rudy's gaze in the prior photo, across the meadow in front of them and through the next set of trees is the trail we will be on in 10-15 minutes from this point. So, off we went away from the "direction of scent" originally before turning into those far away trees in the prior photo.

Once we got into the trees, sure enough, MOOSE TRACKS all over the trail! 

A two-toed moose print at the tip of my left ski with more flowing
down the trail in the direction we are going!

Now come along for the video counterpart to the prior photo. Watch as Jack & Rudy are very "moose juiced" and have it pedal to the metal through this whole clip despite my snowplowing as we near any corner to be ready to throw myself on the ground to stop if we encounter a moose. A pair of moose tracks (thus two moose) are on the trail this entire clip (and beyond, I had to stop the video at some point :) Luckily, we never encountered the actual moose; but Jack & Rudy were sure juiced by what have been pretty fresh moose tracks!

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

All that energy expended seeking moose means you really need to roll and cool off at any pause during the outing:

"Roll to cool the jets then restart the moose quest!" says the goofs.

Eventually, the moose tracks finally went off trail and into the forest. With our moose quest over, it was time to head towards the trailhead. We were thrilled to be first tracks on the freshly groomed main trail. Wheeee!

First tracks on the groomie zoomie - wheeee!

Nothing like a little moose juice to energize the day!

"Yes, we've earned our end of run treats from an intense moose quest!" says
the focused & happy pair.

Today's tally: 8.7 miles traveled with 800 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 22 MPH.

2024/2025 Season to Date: 48 days on the trails covering 358.9 miles with 33,100 feet of elevation climbed.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


We got an early morning dusting of snow allowing us to lay fresh tracks on the upper elevation trails at Breckenridge Nordic Center this morning!

Look at those wonderful "fresh tracks" in the snow behind Jack & Rudy.
Oh yeah, nice views to our right.

It was actually a warm day as temperatures were above freezing all outing long. With temps above freezing, I knew what I'd get from the comedians at a turnaround point of the outing:

"So hot! Must roll snow angels to cool off!" demonstrates the comedians
who took themselves off trail to get deeper snow to roll in :)

We did two different out & back segments at the highest elevations (and furthest from the trailhead) at the nordic center. Since we were far from the trailhead, we were able to enjoy the dusting all to ourselves and lay fresh tracks both directions on each out & back. Here's the fun kids catching air on one of our return legs:

Whee - zipping along with our "out tracks" to our left. With wide nordic
trails, we were able to lay fresh tracks both directions. 

Notice you can see a bit of groomer corduroy in the prior photo. We were near treeline in that photo and there was a gusting wind blowing the new snow off parts of the trail.

But, once we got back down into thicker trees, the fresh snow was protected from the wind. Come along for today's video fun as we are laying fresh tracks in the fun dusting of new snow. Wheeee!

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

I mentioned we did two different out & back segments. Well, that meant we turned around twice. I knew it would be snow angels both times from Jack. I actually expected two snow angels from Rudy too since it was warm. But, don't ever think you can figure Rudy out - he's the constant wildcard! 

"Still warm, still rolling!" goes consistent Jack.
"WOOOO! You thought you had me figured out! No way! WOOO!"
sings wildcard Rudy.

Finally, back to the trailhead and we have happy kids atop a snow wall for ent of run treats with some nice mountain views in the background.

Treats with smiles and a view :)

A surprise dusting of new snow allowing us to lay fresh tracks most of the morning: 9.5 miles traveled with 1100 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 21 MPH.

2024/2025 Season to Date: 46 days on the trails covering 341.5 miles with 31,500 feet of elevation climbed.