Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Third in a Row

Today was our first "third day in a row" skijoring in this early 2014/2015 season - woo hoo!
Fully extended, skijoring Siberians! Zoom!!!
In order to accomplish our first "3 in a row" for the season, we had to travel to Buffalo Pass far north in Colorado (at the base of Mount Zirkel Wilderness Area). It is quite the trip to get to (and back from) Buffalo Pass, but it was certainly worth the effort to get our first 3-fer before the end of October!

We experienced very good "October snow conditions" for the majority of the outing - enough snow to occasionally uncork the Siberians, enough snow to keep the human upright & safe and the occasional untouched, fresh powder side trail. Follow along below...

Today's video highlight shows part of one of the many nice stretches to open up the throttle - wheeee!
[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Buffalo Pass is open for hunting until mid/late November, so someone with a good 4WD can still drive the main trails. The vehicles pack the trail and make it easy for Max & Zorro to sprint but hard for the human to keep the skis under control (try skiing on ice :-). Luckily there was enough snow along the trail for us to enjoy the fast terrain without sacrificing the human:
Our typical configuration on heavily packed trails: (1) Max & Zorro enjoying the fast track;
and (2) The human riding the powder shoulder (notice the ski tips in powder to the left of
Max & Zorro). Fast for them with powder control for me - perfect!
We enjoyed a few "no vehicles allowed" side trails and got to lay tracks in fresh powder!
Ah, fresh powder for all!
That is Summit Lake at the top of Buffalo Pass in the right foreground.
Unfortunately all the side trails we tried ended pretty quickly with not enough snow to continue on complex terrain...
"What do you mean 'dead-end, turnaround'?!? We have no problem continuing over fallen
trees, boulders and bushes. Humans are wimps!"  say Max & Zorro who questioned my
every "turnaround" request when the side trails got too sketchy for me...

Fun day atop Buffalo Pass covering 7.6 miles with 1000 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 17 MPH.

2014/2015 Season to Date: 7 days on the trails covering 51.3 miles with 6050 feet of elevation climbed.

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