Monday, December 2, 2013

26 MPH Day

The GPS clocked us at a top speed of 26 MPH today! Woo Hoo - we were flying!

Ok, so the top speed was really 25.8 - that's 26 :-)
The summary of today's outing will be a video summary. I could write about how fast we were going all over the trails; but watching is even better...

Is this where we hit 26 MPH - could have been.
A fun winding & sloping section of the South Fork trail. Turn up the volume and you'll
hear me let out a happy "woooo" as we come out of this complex section of trail and
into the open. And, yes, I am partially snowplowing at 20+ MPH during this sprint!
[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Is this where we hit 26 MPH - could have been.
Flying along the Middle Fork trail - about 8 seconds in the Siberians' ears go flat
as they put the pedal to the metal on the straightaway.
[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

A fun "video from the front" as Nancy caught us on her iPhone happily cruising
to the finish of our fast outing.
[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

"Hi! What a fun & fast day!" say my happy pals as I called out time to turn around and
head back to the trailhead.
Perfect speed conditions to fly around Swan Valley Recreation Area today: 9.2 miles with 1050 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 26 MPH!!!

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