Friday, June 1, 2018

Rabbit Hat

We pulled a "rabbit out of a hat" to piece together one last skijor run for Zorro's 10th birthday this June 1st. Happy Birthday Zorro!
"Wanna play before we get going?" asks frisky Jack.
"Really, I'd flatten you (and you'd love it)!" declares birthday boy Zorro.
I said "rabbit out of a hat" as we returned to Rabbit Ears Pass to try and find enough patches of snow to put together Zorro's birthday run. It was truly a piecemeal run we found few contiguous patches of snow with lots of exposed ground in between. The contiguous patches got very narrow at times...
"Still enough snow if you stay behind me!" declares happy Zorro.
"My path is broken!" states happy Jack.
Every time we encountered patches of exposed ground, I would take off my skis and then jog with Zorro and Jack to the next snow patch. At each snow patch, we would pause while I put my skis back on. Well, you know what Jack thinks about pauses during skijor runs... Roll snow angels!
"Ah, feels sooo good - no need to hurry!" says silly Jack.
"Come on, I don't have all day, get those skis on!" states Zorro.
They came off (and then on) so many times, even Zorro decided to join in on the antics waiting for the silly human to get reset to go:
"Okay, I see the fun in rolling while waiting for slow humans!" demonstrates Zorro.
"Hehe, told ya!!!" adds happy Jack.
But, we did find a few extended patches to enjoy our last skijor of this 2017/2018 season. Wheeee!
Go, go, go!!! Finally, go dogs go!!! :)
Finally the fun was over and time to play with little puppy Rudy as we shut down our 2017/2018 skijor season.
Such focus! Such focus!!!

A piecemeal final run with some skijoring and lots of jogging in between patches of snow: 2.2 miles traveled with 400 feet of elevation climbed and a modest top speed of 12 MPH (not enough contiguous patches of snow to hit a real top speed :)

2017/2018 Season Summary: 56 days on the trails covering 342.7 miles with 33,750 feet of elevation climbed.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Zorro! We don´t have any snow left in Finland. Jack is so funny! :)
