Saturday, April 8, 2023

M and Z

Jack & Rudy doing their best "Max & Zorro impersonation" at a turnaround on the trail this morning!

"We never met Max, but we sure remember wonderful Zorro!" declares the
happy kids.

If you've followed along the last few years, you know Jack is famous for rolling snow angels at our turnaround points and Rudy is typically either rolling angels too or belting out a woo. But, today I got this wonderful shot of their happy faces at our turnaround point. Very reminiscent of Max & Zorro's typical turnaround action. I was having visions of wonderful Max & Zorro for the rest of the outing!

Back to today... Breckenridge Nordic Center grooms the upper elevation trails every Saturday morning. Our plan was to give the groomer a chance to go out before us but still be as close to "first tracks" on the fresh groom as possible. Well, the results were PERFECT!

First tracks on the freshly groomed trail! Yay!!!!

In fact, we were first tracks on the trails all morning long! The only other tracks we encountered all day were our own when we redid sections of the trail to get more distance. What fun!

Flying along. Zoom, zoom, zoom!

A little further along and same results - fresh groom all to ourselves!

Catching air with cool snow poofs coming off the kids' feet.

Sometimes a video does more justice to the pristine conditions than still photos. Come along for a "skijor minute" of the great conditions. At the beginning of this clip, we are at about 12,000 feet in elevation, our highest point of the outing. So beautiful up high!

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Of course, no outing is complete without at least one comedic interlude from the silly 5 year olds. Today was the search for rodents under the snow off trail:

We were rounding a corner when Rudy launched into one of his beautiful,
high arching rodent swan dives.

Hunting for rodents is an activity to share with your brother. Here comes Jack...

"Hello? Any rodents down here?" asks head dunking Jack.
"Dig, dig! We must DIG to get the rodents out!" goes digging Rudy.
Despite some very serious and furious effort, the kids failed to catch any rodents.

Back to the trailhead and where I usually get happy face shots of Jack & Rudy as I prepare to give out end of run treats:

"Ready! What a fun day!" exclaims the happy kids.

A beautiful groomie zoomie day with a stunning "Max & Zorro impersonation" from Jack & Rudy: 9.7 miles traveled with 1100 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 23 MPH.

2022/2023 Season to Date: 129 days on the trails covering 1149.7 miles with 104,400 feet of elevation climbed.

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