Sunday, May 5, 2024


We had so much fun skijoring the Spring Crust at Vail Pass yesterday that we returned to do it again today!

Jack & Rudy flying along the endless and wonderfully firm Spring Crust
atop Vail Pass!

The only difference between yesterday and today was today was heavily overcast skies whereas yesterday was a bright & sunny bluebird day. So, yesterday had lots of cool shadow effects in the photos while today was virtually shadowless; but the photos are still cool :)

We spent most of the day on the endless crust as you saw in the first photo. But, at our highest point of the outing, we turn towards the backcountry huts which are situated amidst some somewhat dense trees. But, the trees are sparse enough that you can weave through the trees continuing on the firm crust. I really enjoy this slalom through the trees behind Jack & Rudy!

Swooshing through the trees - wheeee!

With the overcast skies, it did not feel as warm as yesterday despite the actual temperature being slightly warmer. The sun at 11,000 feet above sea level adds significant "feel heat" that does not happen with thick clouds. As a result, Rudy took the chance to give us a song instead of rolling snow angels at one turnaround point of the outing:

"WOOOOOOOOO!" sings beautiful voice Rudy.
Jack, of course, ALWAYS rolls snow angels regardless of the weather
or temperatures :)

But, it is still May, so the temperatures were near to slightly above freezing. That did not go unnoticed by Rudy at our next turnaround point of the day!

"Turnaround! Roll around!' goes the snow rolling sillies.
Which legs are Jack's and which are Rudy's? Hard to tell :)

The majority of the day, though, was spent flying along the wonderful and endless Spring Crust:

Ears pinned back - nice aerodynamics from the fast running sled dogs!

Now come along for a minute of what it is like to abandon set trails and glide anywhere you want atop the firm Spring Crust. Wheeee!

[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Once back to the trailhead and the smart kids made a beeline for the same high snow wall they found to climb yesterday. They do not forget anything!

Perched high up for treats yet again!

Another fun day atop Vail Pass: 8.2 miles traveled with 900 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 22 MPH.

2023/2024 Season to Date: 144 days on the trails covering 1226.3 miles with 121,600 feet of elevation climbed.

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