Saturday, December 28, 2019


Fun shot of the happy kids at a momentary pause on the trail this morning:
"We LOVE skijoring - so happy!!!!" declares the happy pair.
We had a big outing with Zorro yesterday and another planned for tomorrow; so today we gave him most of the day off while I skijored Sally Barber and French Gulch with Jack & Rudy before adding Zorro in the team to end the day.

Nice shot of Sally Barber Mine as we crest on the trail before heading down the other side:
Zipping by the historic old mine.
Today's video highlight goes along with the prior photo. Come along as we crest at the mine and then take off down the other side. Perfect conditions to really open up the skijoring engine! Wheeee!
[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

After going up/over/down Sally Barber, it was time for an out & back in French Gulch. The lower section of the trail as hard packed with a trace of new snow; but the upper section of the trail was untouched snow - laying fresh tracks in 3ish inches of untouched snow far out in the gulch:
Untouched snow all to ourselves - freshies!!!
Since we did an out & back in French Gulch, eventually we had to turn around. Well, you guessed it...
Turning around means stopping, stopping means rolling!
"Rub a dub dub!" demonstrates silly Jack.
"Hey - nice form!" says Rudy to Jack as he just finished rolling his snow angel
to then watch Jack roll his.
Finally, we met up with Nancy & Zorro to add cool old guy into the team for a short & fast finish. Love the happy faces on the sprinting trio below:
"Hi Mom!!!!" says Rudy flashing Nancy a glance as we sprint on by.
"Wheeee - fun finish!" adds happy Zorro.
"Trucking!" declares happy Jack in the middle.
With Zorro along, we skijored by Nancy, then through the French Gulch winter gate and finally did a mini sprint down French Gulch Road for a short distance before stopping for the day:
Airborne Zorro & Jack next to sprinting Rudy as we add a "road sprint" down French
Gulch Road to end the day.
Great exercise for the youngsters today with a restful day for Zorro in between two big days: 9.2 miles traveled with 700 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 23 MPH.

2019/2020 Season to Date: 53 days on the trails covering 360.5 miles with 34,700 feet of elevation climbed.

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