Friday, December 6, 2019


"Really, you have to 'drop & roll' right in front of me? Where's my personal space?!?" asks mature Zorro looking at the goofball kids rolling snow angels around and next to him :)
"What's 'personal space'? Rolling - wheeee!" demonstrates the goofs.
We spent most of the morning on terrain like that below: a light layer of new snow with a few pre-existing tracks over what is the groomed trails of Breckenridge Nordic Center underneath the new snow.
Flying along with light powder poofs behind Zorro & Jack as Rudy rides along the
existing track down the middle.
Another fun shot similar to the prior as we fly along in the light layer of new snow as we cruise by the Kathy's Viewpoint warming hut. Zorro, Jack & Rudy love to fly by the huts :)
"Warming hut? How silly - on we go!" demonstrates the fast trio.
Here we go with the video counterpart to the prior photo. Running fast and flying by the hut. Wheeee!
[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

As I mentioned, we were on the trails of Breckenridge Nordic Center. So, what to our wondering eyes should appear, but a freshly groomed trail with only a single other track! With three fast sled dogs so lively and quick, I knew in a moment we'd be flying so quick. On Zorro, on Jack, on Rudy - a zoom, zoom, zoom we go!
Fresh groomie!!!! Zoomie!
Finally, we end the day with the happy trio towing me to the finish.
Not the best shot due to the heavy shading, but you can still see 3 happy faces!

A fast day around Breckenridge Nordic Center with a "groomie surprise" to finish off the outing: 7.9 miles traveled with 800 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 22 MPH.

2019/2020 Season to Date: 34 days on the trails covering 224.4 miles with 22,900 feet of elevation climbed.

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