Rudy approved of today's fast & fun skijor outing :)
"Woo, I approoooooove!" declares wooing Rudy. Of course, happy Jack & I approved to; but both of us know to just "ride the woo out" when Rudy goes off talking. |
What was there to approooooove of? Well, how about this - first tracks on the freshly groomed trails around Walton Peak. Jack & Rudy were ecstatic and literally FLYING all morning long. How about this for some nice lift off the trail...
Wow!!! What Hover Huskies!!!!!! |
Our top speed today? 25 MPH! That's our fastest of the 2022/2023 season to date. Every season we tend to hit 26 MPH a few times and Jack & Rudy even topped 27 MPH once. But, hitting 25 MPH while still in the middle of December is quite a feat! Come along for the video clip where we topped 25 MPH. We start off with Jack & Rudy launching me down a short down dip coming off Walton Peak. They use this dip to launch into the upcoming endless straightaway. What a fun & impressive video clip!
[watch on youtube if no video loads below]
If being first tracks on the groomie zoomie wasn't enough. Well, how about being second tracks to some elk? Yes, for one section of trail an elk (or two or three) had sauntered along the trail before us. This did NOT go unnoticed by Jack & Rudy. Talk about adding a little extra juice to the already fast day!
Ok, here's a fun fact about this morning's outing. It was -18 F at the trailhead (yes, that is 18 BELOW zero). I was wearing my warmest skijor gear. Jack & Rudy, you ask? Well, they needed to roll snow angels to cool off after running so fast. Hot at 18 below? What a couple of crazies!
"So hot, must roll and cool our jets!" demonstrates the silly kids. |
Now you understand Rudy's woo of approval in the first photo, what a fun & fast morning!
Adorable Rudy awaiting his end of run treat and mellow, happy Jack patiently awaiting his. |
A zooming day: 10.5 miles traveled with 800 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 25 MPH!
2022/2023 Season to Date: 42 days on the trails covering 352.0 miles with 30,450 feet of elevation climbed.
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