Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Go, Scan, Go

Multiple "moose tracks", "moose smells" and "moose sightings" on this morning's skijor!
Scanning for moose without breaking stride. Talented "hunt & jog" :)
Here is how the day went...

Laying fresh tracks in 3-4 inches of fresh snow in French Gulch. Wheeee...
Nothing but untouched snow in front of us!
Until... rounding a corner and finding FRESH moose tracks all over the trail!
"Sniff, sniff - very FRESH!" declare my moose track inspectors.
You can see by the amount of tracks that there was clearly more than one moose here recently!
Drifting off trail in the direction of the fresh tracks until we pause in deep snow to watch a moose across the gulch:
Too far away to see in this photo - but WE SAW HIM!!!! Big bull moose on the other side
of the gulch meandering up into the trees.

Today's video puts it all together... Fast skijor in fresh powder (first 20 seconds), then slowing as we "smell moose" and start scanning for the big bodies (next 12 seconds) and finally putting the pedal back to the metal as we decide the moose must be ahead. I did see moose tracks all over both sides of the trail during the 12 seconds of Max & Zorro scanning :)
[watch on youtube if no video loads below]

Finish with "no moose here", let's just go fast then!

A "go, scan, go" outing all morning in French Gulch (with a first leg on Sally Barber): 9.3 miles traveled with 900 feet of elevation climbed and a top speed of 20 MPH.

2016/2017 Season to Date: 27 days on the trails covering 201.8 miles with 20,050 feet of elevation climbed.

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